Thursday, September 14, 2006

Scalzi Bacons the Cat and Gets the Attention He Deserves

I’ve been very amused as I’ve followed the recent events over at John Scalzi’s blog, and I get to write a blog entry where the title uses bacon as a verb – excellent!

Anyway, if don’t read Scalzi’s blog, called Whatever, he posts pretty much every day on a wide variety of issues, often with a fair amount of humor. On Wednesday, he was in procrastination mode and he posted a to-do list that included taping bacon to the cat. So, he did get to that and he taped bacon to his cat. Then the story got picked up by Fark (comments here) and his normally very high readership became astronomical. This morning we learn that Ghlaghghee (the abused cat) has a blog all her own and relates her side of the story. This morning Scalzi tries to find out if he is indeed the first person to post a picture of a cat and bacon on the internet. Oh, and you can find the motivational poster here.

Anyway – very amusing and I felt I had to share. And for those who don’t know who John Scalzi is, he won this year’s John C. Campbell Award and is the author of Old Man’s War, The Ghost Brigade and a few other books.

1 comment:

Jen said...

this was hilarious! it definitely brightened up my morning :D


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