Free Copies of The Lies of Locke Lamora

Waterstone's is offering a huge giveaway of The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch - they are giving away 1000 copies! The information and entry form is here - I don't really see any fine print, so as far I can tell it's open to anybody and you aren't signing up for a credit card or anything. If you don't have this book, now is the time.
Hey, thanks. I went over and signed up. This is one I am wanting to read sometime. I just saw the cover for Subterranean Press' special edition of the sequel, it looks good:
Cool. I just sent my entry in.
I'm here via Carl's blog, and I want to thank you for the information about winning the free book. Of course I signed up, but it looks so good that I may just buy it myself if I'm not a winner! (I used the same template you are using for awhile, and I like it very much. It's peaceful, yet mysterious at the same time. It's nice to meet you.)
Thanks for stopping by bellezza - if you look around some of th elinks in my post above you can find more contests - including a couple for copies of the sequel - Red Seas Under Red Skies (I know that Fantasy Book Critic and Pat's Fantasy Hotlist have them going).
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