Anyway, enough about me. With the help of Random.org, winners have been chosen for the 10th Anniversary Edition of Gardens of the Moon by Steven Erikson (US, UK, Canada, Indiebound) from the good people over at Transworld. So the winners are…
Shellie from Scottsdale, Arizona
Kevin from San Francisco, California
Michael from Egelsbach, Germany
Philip from Olathe, Kansas
Maria from N. Ionia , Greece
Congrats to all the winners!
w00t! Thanks! First time I won a book. Excited =D
Congrats to all...
I love to win books - especially speculative fiction.
Kevin - I will always remember my first books win and I know that this will be the first of many!
Hooray! i won, I won!!!
I'm the guy from Germany. You may knowme under my screen name edifanob.
Hello Shellie, so we meet us again :-)
Congratulations to you, Maria, Kevin and Philip.
Hope you will like the book. I read Gardens of the Moon in January 2009. And now I will reread it!
ediFanoB -
Congrats to you too!
I was so excited I did not even associate the name and your screen name.
Congrats again to all and thanks a bunch to Ken!
I'm pretty sure I remember you from Brandon Sanderson's signing the other night. I was the 'Storm Leader' who sat next to Brandon stuffing promo material into books - I remember you saying that you were getting a copy of TGS signed to giveaway on your blog.
@Michael - I was happy when I saw you were one of the winners.
Yeah! So excited about this, I wanted to read this book for a while now.
Thank you so much Ken! :) (I'm Maria from Greece, btw.)
Congratulations to all the winners! I was a bit sad that I was not one since this is a book I've read a lot about and really wanted to read it. I didn't include it in my very recent 8-book order because I had a small hope I'd get it from here but it will definitely take a spot in my next order after a few months! The good thing though is that now I know that I'm eligible to enter giveaway contests eventhough I live in Greece. ;)
Neth (Ken) -
How cool is that!
Yes, I remember you and we even haves some pics of you from the signing. What a small world I see we are sort of neighbors. :)
Would you mind if when I post the pics of the event if I plugged your name and blog?
Gosh I have a bunch of questions for you... but do not want to do it in this thread.
well, most giveaways tend to exclude places like Greece, but a few (like this one) don't have those restrictions. Keep an eye out for them.
Feel free to plug my blog with pics as much as you'd like :)
Yep, it looks like we are somewhat neighbors - I'm up in Flagstaff, but I lived down in the valley for 10 years before moving up here in 2008. Feel free to ask any questions you'd like - you can always email me at nethspace [at] gmail [dot] com
I just received the book yesterday and am looking forward to reading it!
Thanks to everyone and by the way this is the first time I have won a book.
I just received the book as well.
It is not my first like Phillip... I have one many but this is my first UK edition...how cool.
Congrats and Happy Reading to all!
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