Friday, January 14, 2011

Something Completely Different

Here is an image that shows a bit of what I've seen way too much of over the past 2-3 months. Hopefully this is all over for a while.


Jamie Gibbs said...

My first thought was a makeshift Johnny 5. What am I looking at here?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ken, I hope you're through with hospitals and the like as well.

Kat Hooper said...

One of my sons had to have a spinal tap when he was less than a month old and he was in the hospital for a few days while they pumped him with antibiotics. It was horrible. I can't imagine watching an infant go through surgeries. When you go through scary stuff with your kids, then you realize what's really important.

I hope things will be better for your family soon!

Carl V. Anderson said...

I hope and pray that you soon stop seeing that, and stuff like it, for a long long long forever.

Neth said...

thanks for the kind thoughts guys - things are improving and my daughter is recovering well. But my schedule has been shot to hell and I have no idea when it will return to somthing normal.


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