My review of The House of the Stag by Kage Baker (US, UK, Canada) is up over at BookSpotCentral, where I'm an Associate Reviewer (I review 4 or 5 books a year over there). While flawed, it is a fun deconstruction of Dark Lord fantasy trope.
Enter into Neth Space and you will find thoughts and reviews of books and other media that fit the general definition of speculative fiction. This includes the various genres and sub-genres of fantasy, science fiction, epic fantasy, high fantasy, hard sci-fi, soft sci-fi, new weird, magical realism, cyberpunk, urban fantasy, slipstream, horror, alternative history, SF noir, etc. Thoughts are my own, I'm certainly not a professional, just an avid reader avoiding his day job.
I suspect I have not read any of Kage Baker's stories. I say 'suspect' because I would have to go back and check that there are no Baker stories in anthologies I've read. However I did pick up the Subterranean Press book, Empress of Mars, because it just looked too fun to pass up.
This author's ideas about showing the evolution of "evil" or the "dark lord" is awesome, and very similar to what I am working towards in my trilogy, and my most recently published book. I tend to favor villains more often than the archetypal heroes, which often make me gag or bore me to tears. I think what she did is good, and with every area of writing there is room for improvement.
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