Or, how I make myself look cooler by namedropping actual cool
Phoenix Comicon happened back in May and it’s fast becoming
recognized as a very strong convention for SFF authors, which I’m told is
strategic goal of the comicon. Well, I didn’t have time to attend the actual
Con, but I did happen to be in Phoenix the night before the Con where there was
the Elevengeddon author signing event at The Poisoned Pen Bookstore (you can get signed books by all those authors by contacting them). It was the
brain child of Kevin Hearne and it ended up having around 17 authors signing

I would guess that about 100 people showed up. The event was
rather loosely organized with so many authors – basically just a signing. Kevin
Hearne’s line was the longest, which meant there was a great opportunity to
chat with the other authors. I only took one picture of the event, which is
posted here. I’m pretty sure Sam Sykes had a live feed of the signing for the
first 15 minutes or so, I have no idea where that lives on the internet, but if
you were so inclined, you could find yours truly lurking at various points of
Anyway, the event seemed like a who’s who of my Twitter feed. I
brought 3 bags of books to be signed. I bought another bag’s worth at the
event. Without counting, I probably had about 30 books with me to sign. The
link to the event lists all the authors that were present – the names below are
authors who’s books I got signed (in no particular order)
And even with the 30 or so books I had signed, I still missed
some. When I got home I realized that I had other books by Naomi Novik and Myke
Cole that didn’t make the trip. I also had books by Jason Hough that didn’t
make the trip. Add that to me bringing a couple of books by Kevin Hearne that
were already signed, and it was a bit frustrating. There’s always next year.
At the signing even I had some nice conversations with a few of
the authors. Myke Cole was awesome – especially once he realized I ran this
blog. He was very complimentary and fun to chat with. Brian Staveley was also
fun to chat with as we discussed his books, the forthcoming final book of his
trilogy (he had just submitted a draft of before coming on the trip), and
ideas for future books in the world.
But if it was just a signing event, I probably wouldn’t bother
with a blog post. Because then I headed to the bar with a few of the authors.
This is where the name dropping gets more fun because drinks were involved.
Sam, Myke, Kevin, Wes, Delilah, Jason, Brian and Brian all headed to a nearby
bar, with a few others, including Myke’s significant other.
Some hilarity ensued – first I proved to be a rather worthless
blogger by calling Brian McClellan by the wrong name – I confused him with
Chuck Wendig. Laughs were had. Later I once again got something wrong about
Brian by assuming he lived in Utah (he lives in Cleveland) – not that it was
such a bad assumption because he used to live there. Anyway, Brian was a good
sport about it. We’ll see if that holds up if I read and review his books one
day and intentionally throw in a bunch of factual errors just to be consistent
with my past behavior.
Sam was there, so poop was discussed.
Myke was quite amused that in Arizona it’s necessary to post signs
about not bringing your guns into bars. Kevin shared that his family had been
coming to that specific bar for generations. Several of us are relatively close
in age and have young children – so we chatted a bit about that.
And of course there was a fair bit of industry gossip that I even
contributed to a bit. Apparently I could contribute some interesting info since
I’m on the receiving end of marketing. I’d love to name names and dish out the
dirt, but then I wouldn’t get to play next time. In the end it was declared
that someone must have something on someone else. #nocontextforyou
So, does this make me less objective as a reviewer? Well, I’ve
never claimed to be objective anyway, so I don’t care. I’ll continue to say
what I think of books in my reviews. But, the last three books I’ve read were
by authors at that signing. And I have plans to read others in the near future.
So, there is that.
Anyway, lots of fun was had as I actually interacted with real
people that I have known from the internet. And next year, hopefully I can
actually attend the Con.