“Revenge is a dish best served cold”
The Builders begins with this idea at its core, and the story is very much
full of references not only to revenge tales, but also to variations of small
teams at war and/or criminal gangs on a mission. I will not list them – they are
legion – and I suspect many a reader will come up with their own, and those may
or may not align with the ideas of Polansky as he wrote it all.
The mysterious Captain begins the story by recruiting his team, or
more correctly, getting the old gang back together for one final mission to
redress their last failed effort. We know one of the crew was a traitor, of
course we do not know who. We can only suspect that it’s all only the
The Captain’s crew is a mixed group of the most unlikable sort –
assassins, artillery, demolitions, snipers, etc. – but one and all, they are
killers. Some of them get along, some hate everyone, the Captain holds them
together, and for all that it may only be due to the blood they have spilled together.
Or that the Captain is the meanest, most dangerous of them all.
And I suppose that I should mention that all the characters are
anthropogenic animals whose personalities, instincts, and deadliness often
correspond with their species. The mysterious, deadly Captain who all fear – he’s
a mouse. His crew has a weasel, badger, rat, mole, salamander, owl, and possum.
One of them may be French. They are up against the likes of an ermine, armadillo,
cat, snake, fox, skunk, and legions of rats.
Personalities may be large, but the prose is minimal, dark, and
dripping in morbid, gallows humor. There is bombastic boasting, dark grumbling,
and the flash of knives in the dark. The final, suicide mission is told, blood
and gore abound, betrayal, victory, and death. Who lives, who dies? Does it mean
anything? Was it cold enough? Was it worth it…was it worth anything?
Who has the final laugh?
Will it be you dear reader, will you get the joke?
The Builders: Amazon
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